generic LIMOGES logo (used by several companies and in various colors as shown or in combination with other logos or initials) [Limoges, France] - ca 1920s - 1990s

generic LIMOGES logo (used by several companies and in various colors as shown or in combination with other logos or initials)  [Limoges, France]  - ca 1920s - 1990s

Набор из 12 чайных ложек (Серебро)

Чайные ложки. Финляндия. Вторая половина XX в.

Большая декоративная ёмкость

Декоративная ёмкость. Персия. Середина ΧΧ в.

Соусники на подносе Selandia

Вторая половина XX века